Roland W. Tegeder, PhD (CEO)
Former Partner, Goldman Sachs

(in alphabetical order)

Vasudev Bailey, PhD
AI Biotech investor
Jorge Cardoso, PhD
Reader in Artificial Medical Intelligence, KCL
Pierre-François Filet, MEng, MScFin
Former CEO and Co-founder, Quanthouse
Chris Goddard
Former CTO & Partner, G Research
Todd Meister
Co-founder, First Spark Ventures
Parashkev Nachev, PhD, FRCP
Professor of Neurology, UCL
Sebastien Ourselin, PhD, FREng, FMedSci
Head of School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences, KCL
Geraint Rees, PhD, FMedSci
UCL Vice-Provost of Research, Innovation & Global Engagement, UCL
Eric Schmidt, PhD
Former CEO, Google
Caroline Sharp, MSc
Head of Life Science Business Ventures, SW7
Richard Sharp
Former Partner, Goldman Sachs
Co-founding Institutions

University College London

King's College London

Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust

King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust